Green Ibex

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Knowledge & discussion around the challenges of Net Zero

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business benefits of carbon reduction

The 7 Business Benefits of a Carbon Reduction Plan

Sustainability is here to stay. It’s not a passing trend – it’s the new (and better) way to do business. So, what is the business case for integrating sustainability into your core strategy? And how can your carbon reduction efforts drive tangible business growth?

net zero ready business 5 step toolkit green step

Net zero ready: What it means and how to get there in 5 simple steps

We hear or read about companies doing great things with net zero all the time. Yet these examples often fall short in offering practical insights into the early days of the journey to reducing emissions.

What are those first steps businesses take that get overlooked in news stories? And how can you replicate them for success in your business?

two businessmen standing next to one another outside a house with a green horizon on the background

Former BBC Wales chief appointed to help green business grow

A Cardiff-based consultancy that works with businesses to achieve their carbon reduction goals and ESG targets has made a key appointment that will take it to the next level.

Whitepaper & Guide library

Don't let confusion where to start or lack of internal knowledge stop you. Your Scope 1 and 2 emissions are your customer's Scope 3 emissions – those are the ones they need to report on and will likely request. Check out our guides on getting started with your initial assessment – and give us a shout if you get stuck.

White Paper Cover - Normative Emissions
Normative Emissions Calculation Methodology
White Paper Cover - A Guide to Enterprise Carbon Accounting
A Guide to Enterprise Carbon Accounting
White Paper Cover - A Guide to Enterprise Carbon Accounting
Enterprise Value Chain Carbon Emission Reduction
White Paper Cover - Green Ibex Typical Client Journey
Green Ibex Typical Client Journey
White Paper Cover - Green Ibex Discovery Package Details
Green Ibex Discovery Package Details

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